so it’s got to be really eye-catching and live-changing, which puts a lot of pressure on us to write something extremely clever that is excellent for marketing and search-engine optimization and will also convey a lot about who we are and what we do. Maybe we should get a testimonial from someone, like this:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In varius vitae mi et facilisis. Aliquam eget velit enim. Vivamus mi orci, aliquet non mauris eu, mattis euismod tortor. Aliquam nec purus vitae arcu maximus ultricies at id mauris. Ut ipsum eros, facilisis eu tortor eget, molestie egestas elit. Proin vitae justo id nunc vulputate facilisis non sed augue.
– Somebody Famous
Also I think we’re supposed to have a “call to action” that goes something like “subscribe to our YouTube channel here“.